Wednesday, April 13, 2011


With neither an end nor a beginning to its trajectory, the circle recognizes no horizontal or vertical axis.

You can plunge into the circle from anywhere you want, as long as you don't confuse that point with a beginning. No start points. No thresholds, no endings.

- From the book that I am reading.


JLTan said...

That is an interpretation from one perspective. From another perspective, you can say that any point can be the start point.

One can fit a circle around a horizontal and vertical axis, or draw circular coordinates around the circle, although the circle does not demand that one would do this. (I often did this at University Mathematics).

Marlee said...

Love your randomness! The world needs more of it ;).

Easily Misunderstood said...

A circle . . . it sounds like the story of my life! I feel like I'm going in circles right now. Sorry, I know I'm random. I'm also new to this blog thing.